With the responsibilities of being a caregiver, it’s easy for one to neglect their own physical, spiritual and mental health. Oftentimes caregivers are overwhelmed and exhausted by the demand of this role. Carrying this workload can lead to caregivers feeling alone, unsupported or unappreciated. This also leads to fatigue and hopelessness and ultimately burning out. There are a number of warning signs and symptoms for caregivers that are experiencing burnout. It is important to be aware of those warning signs in order to combat or prevent them. Warning signs and symptoms for caregiver burnout include:
· Lack of energy
· Anxiety
· Avoiding people
· Depression
· Exhaustion
· Neglecting personal health and needs
Once you understand the warning signs and symptoms you will be able to seek the right resources and tools to combat or prevent burnout. The health of the caregiver has become a public health issue and requires policymakers, health professionals, healthcare innovators and caregivers themselves to demand that their health be prioritized. Utilizing technology has the ability to address the issue caregivers face as well as potentially alleviating the burden of caring for someone. Using mobile apps can help caregivers in coordinating tasks, track information and communicate back to loved ones. The use of Memoryz mobile application is intended to support caregivers in their role so they can care for their loved ones or clients while maintaining their own wellbeing.